
Get in Touch
We are usually very responsive. If you have not received a reply within 24 business hours, please call us at (423) 464-1224 or inquire again to be sure your message was delivered correctly. For urgent matters please call directly. If you feel this is a medical emergency, please call 911 or visit your local emergency department.
About Us
Tennessee Osteopathic Center provides direct primary care to its members and offers integrative medicine services to all ages in Cleveland and the surrounding area. Learn more.
- Family Medicine
- Integrative Medicine
- Wholesale Medication
- Address
2306 Keith Street NW
Cleveland, TN 37311
- Contact Us
Call/Text: (423) 464-1224
Fax: (423) 264-3962
- Office Hours
Monday: 8am-6pm*
Tuesday: 8am-6pm*
Wednesday:ย Closed
Thursday: 8am-6pm*
Friday: 8am-6pm*
*By appointment only
Saturday & Sunday:
- Payment Types
- Cash or Check
- Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express
*Insurance is not accepted at this office.